A Town With Characters

Newborn, first known as Sandtown, was settled by Rufus Broome, his bride Nancy Pitts, and two of her brothers, Nestor and John Pitts. Documents as early as 1839 indicate the name “Newborn”.

General Sherman visited during the Civil War on his march to the sea, traveling the route that would later become Highway 142.

Want to learn more? The story of Newborn, “Newborn, GA Characters, Places, Tales” has over 500 pages of interviews, letters, emails and historic photos from former residents. The book is available at Town Hall for $25, or you can request it by mail for $30 at Town of Newborn, P. O. Box 247, Newborn, GA 30056

Local Articles (click on image to see full article)

Click here for the Town of Newborn Comprehensive Plan